2014年3月30日 星期日

Royal Worcester Hadley Style Roses Boat Shape Vase

Mark : Royal Worcester Hadley Period
Artist : Unknown (Artist’s number 12)
Pattern Number : 254A
Year : 1914
Size : 24.8 x 11.5 x 13 cm

2014年3月26日 星期三

Royal Worcester Hadley Style Roses Tray

J. Lander – Lander, Jenny.
Lander, JennyLander, Mable是姊妹, 同時受雇於Hadley瓷廠, 專長畫甜豌豆, 玫瑰及紫羅蘭等題材, 由於購併案, 跟隨移轉到皇家伍斯特瓷廠至1910年代.

P.S. 此篇文章與圖片取用自雅書堂已出版的"歐洲手繪瓷盤"一書.

Mark : Royal Worcester Hadley Period
Artist : Jenny Lander (Artist’s number 4)
Year : 1900~1902
Size : 26.6 x 22.7 cm

2014年3月23日 星期日

Royal Worcester Hadley Roses Plate

P.S. 此篇文章與圖片取用自雅書堂已出版的"歐洲手繪瓷盤"一書.

Mark : Royal Worcester Hadley Period
Artist : Unsigned
Year : 1911
Size : 22.8 cm Dia.

2014年3月19日 星期三

Cauldon "Woodcock" Plate by J.Birbecksen

J. Birbeck (J. Birbecksen) – Birbeck, Joseph (Junior). c.1855(or 1862)~
英國瓷器畫師及自然主義藝術家, 出生於Coalport, Shropshire, 受訓於煤港(Coalport)瓷廠, 在那裏一度是畫室領班. 他是因為仿約瑟夫.馬洛德.威廉.透納(J.M.W. Turner)畫風的風景畫而受到注意. 可能在1881年加入科普蘭(Copeland)瓷廠之前, 曾受雇於包德利(Bodley)瓷廠. 當他後來進入Brown Westhead & Moore Pottery(即後來的Cauldon瓷廠), 他建立起良好的聲譽, 成為一名好的畫師, 經常畫魚類圖案的餐具組. 1900~1926年加入道頓(Doulton)瓷廠, 成為他們最領先的畫師之一. 他所畫的魚類圖案, 有著逼真的水面下的水草佈景, 令人激賞! 雖然是以身為魚類及獵鳥畫師而廣為人知, 他也畫風景, 異國鳥類及花卉等題材. 另外由於他有收集鳥類的蛋, 化石和蝴蝶標本的習慣, 進一步提升他對自然歷史的興趣.

P.S. 此篇文章與圖片取用自雅書堂已出版的"歐洲手繪瓷盤"一書.

Mark : Cauldon
Artist : J. Birbecksen
Title : Woodcock
Year : 1905~1920
Size : 22.3 cm Dia.

Picture : Woodcock from following link:

2014年3月17日 星期一

Cauldon "Red Grouse" Plate by J.Birbecksen

J. Birbeck (J. Birbecksen) – Birbeck, Joseph (Junior). c.1855(or 1862)~
英國瓷器畫師及自然主義藝術家, 出生於Coalport, Shropshire, 受訓於煤港(Coalport)瓷廠, 在那裏一度是畫室領班. 他是因為仿約瑟夫.馬洛德.威廉.透納(J.M.W. Turner)畫風的風景畫而受到注意. 可能在1881年加入科普蘭(Copeland)瓷廠之前, 曾受雇於包德利(Bodley)瓷廠. 當他後來進入Brown Westhead & Moore Pottery(即後來的Cauldon瓷廠), 他建立起良好的聲譽, 成為一名好的畫師, 經常畫魚類圖案的餐具組. 1900~1926年加入道頓(Doulton)瓷廠, 成為他們最領先的畫師之一. 他所畫的魚類圖案, 有著逼真的水面下的水草佈景, 令人激賞! 雖然是以身為魚類及獵鳥畫師而廣為人知, 他也畫風景, 異國鳥類及花卉等題材. 另外由於他有收集鳥類的蛋, 化石和蝴蝶標本的習慣, 進一步提升他對自然歷史的興趣.

P.S. 此篇文章與圖片取用自雅書堂已出版的"歐洲手繪瓷盤"一書.

Mark : Cauldon
Artist : J. Birbecksen
Title : Red Grouse
Year : 1905~1920
Size : 22.5 cm Dia.

Picture : Red Grouse from following link:

2014年3月12日 星期三

Royal Vienna Style “Meditation” Plate after Angelo Asti

P.S. 此篇文章與圖片取用自雅書堂已出版的"歐洲手繪瓷盤"一書.

Mark : Royal Vienna Style Blue Beehive Mark
Artist : Wagner
Title : “Meditation” after Angelo Asti
Year : Around c.1900
Size : 25.0 cm Dia.

Print - “Meditation” by Angelo Asti

2014年3月9日 星期日

Royal Vienna Style “Reflexion” Plate after Angelo Asti

P.S. 此篇文章與圖片取用自雅書堂已出版的"歐洲手繪瓷盤"一書.

Mark : Royal Vienna Style Blue Beehive Mark
Artist : Piln
Title : “Reflexion” after Angelo Asti
Year : Around c.1900
Size : 25.0 cm Dia.

Print - “Reflexion” by Angelo Asti

2014年3月5日 星期三

KPM Gilded Border Dinner Plate with Monogram)

P.S. 此篇文章與圖片取用自雅書堂已出版的"歐洲手繪瓷盤"一書.

Mark : KPM Berlin
Year : 1870~1945
Size : 23.8 cm Dia.

2014年3月2日 星期日

Dresden A.Lamm Pair of Coat of Arms Plates for Baron Craven

這一對手繪紋章盤(家族徽章盤)是為英國 Hamstead Marshall 的克雷文(Craven)男爵所訂製的.克雷文家族座落於牛津郡(Oxfordshire)的阿什當(Ashdown)公園,現今的"Ashdown House"酒店,即是第一任克雷文伯爵為愛妻Elizabeth of Bohemia所建立的,可惜尚未建造時, Elizabeth就已去世.
第一任的克雷文伯爵名為 William Craven (1608~1697),是英國的貴族與軍人.其父親也稱 William Craven,出生於北約克郡(North Yorkshire)的貧窮家庭,後來遷居到倫敦變為富有,並在1610年當上倫敦市長.
第一任的克雷文伯爵在英國內戰後, 曾被授予卡羅來納州的殖民地,如今美國北卡羅萊納州的克雷文縣,即以其家族名氏命名.有趣的是, 北卡羅萊納州的新伯爾尼市(New Bern),去年仍在慶祝克雷文郡由威廉 · 克雷文購買並使用克雷文紋章300(1712~2012) 周年慶."以德治國"(VIRTUS IN ACTIONE CONSISTIT)是其座右銘.

P.S. 此篇文章與圖片取用自雅書堂已出版的"歐洲手繪瓷盤"一書.

製造者(Manufacturer): 德國德勒斯登(Dresden Ambrosius Lamm)彩繪工房, Dresden首屈一指的彩繪工房.
材質(Materials): 瓷器
畫師(Artist): 未簽名
主題(Subject): 德國德勒斯登彩繪工房接受英國貴族訂製紋章盤(家族徽章盤)一對, 訂製者為英國克雷文伯爵(Baron Craven)
年代(Age): c.1891~1914
尺寸(Size): 直徑24.5公分

故宮文物355期月刊P108~118, 有刊登英國大英博物館研究員霍吉淑女士所發表的文章--”紋章瓷與個別客戶,東西方的對話和陶瓷製作的形貌”, 文中係針對大英博物館內, 中國瓷廠接受歐洲客戶訂製的紋章瓷作探討. 若能進一步再與歐洲瓷廠本身所製作的紋章瓷作比較, 定然別具生趣! 有興趣的朋友, 可購買該其月刊參考研究.

William Craven, 1st Earl of Craven (1608–1697)

William Craven, 1st Earl of Craven, PC (June 1608 – 9 April 1697) was an English nobleman and soldier.
His father William Craven was born in a poor family in Appletreewick in North Yorkshire but moved to London, became wealthy, and was Lord Mayor of London in 1610.[1][2]
Craven fought for Frederick V on the Continent and fell in love with his wife, Elizabeth of Bohemia. Still being absent during the English Civil War, he supported this lady's brother, Charles I, financially rather than in person and, therefore, had all his lands – largely in Berkshire, but including his main country seat at Caversham Park in Oxfordshire – confiscated. After the Restoration, he set about planning to build a vast palace for Elizabeth at Hamstead Marshall in Berkshire with a hunting lodge at nearby Ashdown (now in Oxfordshire), but she died before construction began.
After the Restoration, he was rewarded with several Court offices and given an earldom. He was granted a share in the Colony of Carolina and served as one of its Lord Proprietors. As a Privy Councillor he seems to have been diligent enough: Pepys in his Diary regularly mentions his attendance at the Committee for Tangier and his chairing the Committee on Fisheries. In the latter role Pepys was rather shocked by his bawdy language which Pepys thought improper in a councillor (though perhaps natural in an old soldier). In 1678 we read of his presence at the historic Council meeting where Titus Oates first publicised, the Popish Plot.
Pepys' attitude to Craven varies in the Diary- on the one hand he calls him a coxcomb and criticises his chairing of the Fisheries Committee; at other times he is glad that Craven is his "very good friend". Whatever Pepys's opinion of him, Craven earned the lasting respect and gratitude of the people of London during the Great Plague when unlike the great majority of noblemen who fled to the country, he remained in London helping to maintain order and donating property for burial grounds.
Craven County, North Carolina is named after William.

Ashdown House is an extraordinary 17th century Dutch style house famous for its association with Elizabeth of Bohemia (The Winter Queen), Charles I’s sister, to whom the house is dedicated. Continue reading for additional photos & information.